We Practice Innovation In Law

We are a virtual law firm with a local presence and strong global reach.

Curating elegant solutions to meet your legal needs

We deliver solutions in the areas of Real Estate, Probate, Company, Immigration and Family Law. Our practice is non-contentious. Fundamentally, our aim is to navigate a seamless experience of the legal and administrative arena on your behalf.

Real Estate

Real Estate is foundation at YVL Firm! We have an ever expanding wealth of knowledge and experience representing all parties to Real Estate transactions. One of those rogue areas of law, Real Estate overlaps with other practice areas, Probate and Family Law especially. In response, we are constantly transforming our suite of property related services to keep pace with the changes and demands of the Real Estate terrain.

Probate And Estate Planning

“There is nothing like the death of a moneyed member of the family to show persons as they really are, virtuous or conniving, generous or grasping. Many a family has been torn apart by a botched-up Will. Each case is a drama in human relationships — and the lawyer, as counselor, draftsman, or advocate, is an important figure in the dramatis personae. This is one reason the estates practitioner enjoys his work, and why we enjoy ours.” - Jesse Dukeminier & Stanley M. Johanson (Family Wealth Transactions: Wills, Trusts, Future Interests, and Estate Planning)

Immigration Law

Our Immigration Law services all begin and end with a consultation because no two applicant is the same. Every situation is unique making this practice a specialized area for us. We have personally navigated the field of Immigration and have come up with a few elegant solutions for you.

Family Law

Our Family Law practice is also a bit of a unicorn. We specialize here as well with an approach that avoids litigation and prioritizes relationships. Ours is an holistic approach.

Company Law

Company Law is a bit of a mysterious beast, but we slay those too! At YVL Firm we love a good start-up! Our team works in consultation with our client-members to realize their financial and operational freedom whether that's with a non-profit, Friendly Society or Corporation. We are not magicians, but we are pretty clever at transforming your vision into your reality.

Wealth Generation

Wealth is synonymous with Abundance, and when you look at wealth in this way, your life becomes expansive; you enter the realm of Wealth Generation, much more than an abundance of money. To accomplish this we employ a simple strategy: Earn - Manage - Invest

How It Works

At YVL Firm our process is natural and simple


Our interactions begin with an initial consultation conducted by phone or videoconference. This consultation is free of charge and typically lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.


Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity so we stay ready! Innovation is our gambit for producing elegant solutions.

Take Action

The most important step. The only step, really! Let’s be honest taking action is like entering a dark cave with a match. At YVL Firm we prefer stage lights, makes right actions much clearer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our aim is not to be different. Being different is comparative, and we hear that comparison steals your joy.

Instead we focus on innovation, transformation and community. We strive to be the answer to the call of how best can we be of service to others and to ourselves. We hope never to lose sight of the business of legal services which at its core is  people transacting with people. So ours is a balanced approach, it is always unique to the client and their particular circumstances. All our services are virtual and delivered by fun loving people, not unlike yourselves.

The whole kitchen sink, if you will. That’s the great part about dealing with legal professionals, we’re like oversized sorter bots. Give us everything you’ve got and we’ll evaluate, scrutinize, organize and wrap it up with the prettiest bow…and even if you don’t like bows you’ll love what we do.

What payment method have you got?

There have been many changes in the laws governing how Attorneys collect their fees. We’ve yet to see any of them as limiting to how we chose to practice. Let us know what payment methods you use and we‘ll figure out the rest .

The usual methods will do…by phone, e-mail, pony express, secure online message or WhatsApp…telepathy coming soon…